Requiescat In Pace

It is our sad duty to inform you that the creator of this and many other pages, Tiernan, has died.

Tiernan was pronounced dead at eight AM this morning eastern time after drinking an entire can of varnish in what can only be termed a baffling failed attempt at self-preservation. In the wake of so many other sudden and unexplicable deaths from among the denizens of #alt.vampyres, it is left to the reader to wonder... who's next...

Ket, Tiernan's faithful Castle Gargoyle was with her at the time. When asked for a statement, Ket merely shook it's head and said "Well, the attempt may have failed, but she had a great finish."

Other #alt.vampyres obituaries on the web:

Follow this link for the latest breaking information about the sudden and inexplicable rash of deaths from among the denizens of #alt.vampyres.