
Hate Letter

i can't believe what you did
i want to close my eyes
i want to close my eyes
i want to close my eyes
and you just sit there
you should be ashamed
to look at me,
i should be ashamed
at your touch on me,
i want to close my eyes
i want to fill the images of you with fire and blacken every thought of you
with every ounce of bloodied stomach acid you made me swallow when you
waltzed around and smiled like nothing mattered, when you graced me with a
kiss you bitch i should have spit in your face and walked away and set that
room on fire so you'd know how it felt to be a few degrees hotter than you'd
like with no way out except the window...  i should have been hateful..  i
should have been cruel...
i want to close my eyes
i want to close my eyes
i want to close my eyes
because you repulse me
with every word
that made me sweat
and every move
that filled me with want
i want to close my eyes
i hope you grow old
somewhere in montana
a shriveled failure
i hope you never know
a touch of happiness
i hope you end up
miserable and alone
then you'll know how you made me feel then you'll know why i hate you then
you'll know what it feels like to kiss the person who has their foot on your
throat then you'll know pain, hate, and loneliness... then you'll know me
like you never knew me, like you never bothered, like you never wanted...
i want to close my eyes
i want to set your pictures on fire
and close my eyes
i want to shred those letters
and close my eyes
i want to know you're unhappy
and close my eyes


* Web Goddesses * #Alt.Vampyres * Denizens * History * Meetings * Words *

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and are not to be used without express written consent.