
The Indianapolis #alt.vampyres Mini-Convocation
Computer Upgrade Center and Bad Vampire Movie Festival

January 25-26, 1997

as told by Kitsune

1/25/97 - 7:00 am -

  • Baby Jinx, in a borrowed vehicle, sets off over snow covered highways to kidnap James_M.
  • James_M sleeps.
  • Kitsune argues with her boss on the phone about whether she needs to come in to the office. Kitsune wins.
  • Ericah and Shroud sleep.

1/25/97 - 8:30 am -

  • Baby Jinx stands in the cold of a strange city, hammering on what she hopes is James_M's door.
  • James_M continues to sleep.
  • Kitsune intimidates her daughter into helping tidy up the house, finish up laundry and then leave for the week-end so we have a spare bed.
  • Shroud sleeps.
  • Ericah is pissy because she blew her first chance to sleep in in a month by foolishly going to bed at a reasonable hour the night before.

1/25/97 - 9:30 am -

  • Baby Jinx and James_M begin their tour of northern and central Indiana highways.
  • Kitsune pounds on her butcher's counter demanding he FIND a 6 pound standing rib roast NOW.
  • Shroud sleeps.
  • Ericah considers waking Shroud in a most unpleasant manner.

1/25/97 - 10:30 am to 11:30 am -

  • Baby Jinx and James_M drive, stopping for breakfast sometime in there.
  • Kitsune and her hubby battle for counter and stove space while he prepares his infamous black bean chili/soup and she begins prep for dinner, having intimidated the butcher into "finding" a nice roast. Kitsune loses.
  • Ericah tries to concoct a homemade lemon merengue pie. She has to make the meringue three times and it still isn't right.
  • Shroud is sent to the store for CoolWhip (tm). He is still asleep.

1/25/97 - 11:30 am to 2:00 pm -

  • Baby Jinx and James_M drive.
  • Kitsune drops her daughter at her former in-laws house, drives back home and collapses.
  • Ericah spills the newly prepared pie all down the front of her coat on the way out the door.
  • Shroud is sympathetic, and proceeds to make them even later by cleaning Ericah's jacket.

1/25/97 - 2:15 pm -

  • Ericah and Shroud arrive at Kitsune's, slightly damp from cleaning up the pie mess.
  • Kitsune offers new fangled Campbell's soup from a jar for lunch. They hate it.

1/25/97 - 2:30 pm -

  • James_M and Baby Jinx arrive at Kitsune's.

1/25/97 - 2:31 pm -

    * James_M lurks...

Just kidding! Actually what he did, even before he took his coat off was tear into Baby Jinx' computer since part of the week-end plan was for us to try and bring it up to 19th century technology.

We talked, we laughed, we watched bad (and good) vampire movies. James_M worked on Baby Jinx' computer. We ate, we IRC'd, we laughed some more. James_M worked some more. We shared a blood orange, we told each other our stories, we web browsed and James_M continued to work on Jinxie's computer. Ericah and Shroud went home to sleep about 2:00 am, we gathered together on Sunday morning and started all over again, since we still had stories to tell and since James_M still had work to do on Baby Jinx's computer. Oh, and we took a short break to record the event for posterity on film. Wanna see?

EriKits Indy Contingent +1 Shrouded Indy People Synchronized Blinking

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