Atlanta, Georgia Hyatt Regency The Official Dragon*Con WebPage already has information about next year's convention, so feel free to browse that to whet your appetite if the #alt.vampyres Dragon*Con WebPage doesn't do it enough for you. Folks who went to D*C 98 are already talking about going next year, and are already making plans. Considering how quickly hotel rooms went this year, I'd highly suggest reserving rooms ASAP, and as always, the sooner you buy the Con Membership, the cheaper it is. If you want to know who is thinking of going next year, I will keep such information available throughout the next year as people notify me their intentions to go. Personally, I will probably go again, but I won't be organizing things on such a scale again next year. I won't be collecting for a group membership since it didn't go very smoothly and I won't be reserving hotel rooms for general admittance and partying. Feel free to volunteer your time and energy if you want to be the person to take care of these things. See you next year!
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