chloee/aphraelNadia: An Odyssey
hey. it's me. i live in LA these days. i've moved a lot recently. i'm an actor (and a musician), among other things. hence why i'm here. i'm on a leave of absence from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, and attempting admission into UCLA's film school. besides my internship and classes, i've been watchin a lot of "smut" tv recently. as in, daytime TV. i love judge judy. i used to think she was such a ho. "YOU, YER STUPID, SHUDDUP!" but i think it's fuckin great. i find most court tv fascinating. that and jerry springer. i'm writing my own screenplay and composing some new songs on my guitar (i have a few gigs out here in LA). i've been spending a lot of solo time. i don't know many people out here yet. if ya ever want my theories on the popularity of smut tv, i'd be happy to email you my 20 page final paper for my TV class at NYU. it's entitled "SMUT TV- (Sex with My Uncle Tonight?)"
malcom mcdowell is brilliant
and my video picks of the week are: "they can call me crazy if i fail... all the chance that i need is one in a million and they can call me brilliant if i succeed gravity is nothing to me moving at the speed of sound just gonna get my feet wet until i drown." -ani difranco
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